Convergence: Work by Canadian and U.S. Women Artists
• fiber • mixed media (hand-painted fabric)
fiber, mostly cotton and silk fabric that I hand paint
or dye and embellish with threads of various weights
Overbrook, Kansas
My education has been informal and self directed. I’ve attended classes at the
Lawrence Arts Center and have participated in workshops at the University of
Minnesota at Duluth, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, and Surface Design
Association conferences and any other opportunity that arises. I’ve read and
studied most of the books about fiber arts available in the public library and
I’ve purchased and studied umpteen books about surface design techniques.A valuable source of my education has been teaching surface design at the
Lawrence Arts Center attempting to stay one step ahead of my students.I am bewitched by the trek as discoveries along the way entice, humble,
and charm me. An amalgam of what I see, feel, hear, and sense flows through
through my fingers, out onto the physical plane via fibers of every description.
Layers-Kansas Artquilters traveling exhibit
Instructors Exhibit-Art Van Go, Lawrence, Kansas
Upon Reflection-Kansas Artquilters traveling exhibit
Recent Works-Kansas Artquilters
Common Ground, an International Art Exhibit
sponsored by the City of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Outside the Box, Kansas ArtQuilters, Wichita Ks.
By Invitation, International Quilt Market special exhibition
Lawrence Arts Center Faculty Show
Kansas Art Quilters “First Feature”
F.A.N. Club 13th. Anniversary Exhibit-group show, KU Anthropology Museum,
The ARTEL:From the Back of Your Mind-group show Antiquarium Gallery,Omaha, Nebraska
1999-2003 lead artist and/or volunteer for 6 projects - Art Van Go in Lawrence, Ks.
Ann Bird Ann Kuckelman Cobb Laurie Culling Diana Dunkley Jan Gaumnitz Maggie Glossop Missy Hamilton Roberta Huebener Susan Rennick Jolliffe Susan Jordan Maryse Maynard Liz Minnes Nan Renbarger Margaret Rose Chandler Swain Cathy Tisdale Wendo Van Essen Yvonne Wiegers
© 2005 · Website updated November 11, 2020
All rights reserved. Content and images are copyrighted and may not be reproduced.
Site by Colin Tisdale, Laurie Culling, Denise Lajetta, Margaret Rose